Event Directives

Capturing and responding to events


{name}: string

The name of the event we want to capture (e.g. 'click', 'mouseover', 'keydown')

{modifier}: ('cancel', 'prevent', 'delay', 'outside', 'esc', 'escape', 'ent', 'enter')

An optional modifier that changes the behavior of our event listener

{expression}: string

An expression to be invoked when the event is triggered

The v-event directive handles all default event handling for Vivere components. Whichever event is passed to the directive, is automatically interepreted as a valid event to be passed to element.addEventListener. The expression can either be a basic javascription expression, e.g. an assignement to a data attribute, or the name of a method that will be invoked on the component.

The v-event directive can also listen for a special class of events, specifically lifecycle callbacks from our component. These special events ignore modifiers, as they are registered directly with the component:

  • beforeConnected
  • connected
  • rendered
  • beforeDehydrated
  • beforeDestroyed

Note that you cannot listen for dehydrated and destroyed because the directive is no longer available at that time those methods are invoked.

Event Modifiers

We can pass a modifier to this directive to change some the behavior of some events:

All Events


When the cancel modifier is applied, the event handler automatically returns false to cancel any default click behavior, such as visiting a link.


When the prevent modifier is applied, preventDefault() is invoked on the triggered event object.


When the delay modifier is applied, the event handler is invoked after a setTimeout(HANDLER, 0). This delay allows any other event handlers to resolve before this handler is invoked.

This can be particularly helpful for dealing with click.outside events, where we might want to not handle clicks outside a modal until we're sure the modal is visible.

Click Events


When the outside modifier is applied, the event listens to clicks anywhere on the document EXCEPT clicks on the element or its descendants. This can be useful for things like automatically dismissing a modal.

Keyboard Events

You can use modifiers to automatically filter keyboard events to only certain keys, to avoid having to run checks on keyCode in your own code.

esc, escape

Only triggered by the escape key

ent, enter

Only triggered by the enter (return) key