Display Directives

Directives that manage how your HTML is rendered

Display directives can generally be attached to any element, and can acess data from the component they are related to. Some directives (e.g. v-disabled, v-href) may only be valid on certain types of elements.


{modifier}: ("anim-x", "anim-y")

An optional modifier that causes the element to animate in and out when its state changes

{expression}: string

An expression that evaluates to true to show this element, or false to remove it from the DOM

The v-if directive is used to control whether an element is rendered in the DOM. If the expression evaluates to true, we attach the element to the DOM, otherwise we remove it, but save it's location with an HTML comment.

For convenience, v-if automatically removes the hidden attribute from the element when the directive is parsed. This allows you to hide conditionally rendered elements until Vivere has finished parsing.

The v-if directive also prevents any directives attached to its ancestors from rendering. This is helpful for example if you only want to render content if an object exists, and want to freely reference properties of that object (e.g. in a v-text directive) without having to worry about null checks.


<button v-event:click="showMessage = !showMessage">
Toggle Message
<p v-if="showMessage">
This is a secret, hidden message!
// No javascript required!


{modifier}: ("anim-x", "anim-y")

An optional modifier that causes the element to animate in and out when its state changes

{expression}: string

An expression that evaluates to true to show this element, or false to remove it from the DOM

The v-else-if directive works just like the v-if directive, but evaluates only if an immediately preceding v-if or v-else-if directive evalutes false first, and its expression evalutes to be true.


<button v-event:click="showMessage = !showMessage">
Toggle Message
<p v-if="showMessage">
This is a secret, hidden message!
// No javascript required!


{modifier}: ("anim-x", "anim-y")

An optional modifier that causes the element to animate in and out when its state changes

{expression}: string

An expression that evaluates to true to show this element, or false to remove it from the DOM

The v-else directive renders content like a v-if, but ONLY if an immediately preceding v-if or v-else-f directive evaluates false first.


<button v-event:click="showMessage = !showMessage">
Toggle Message
<p v-if="showMessage">
This is a secret, hidden message!
// No javascript required!


{expression}: string

An expression that evaluates to true to show this element, or false to add the `hidden` attribute

The v-show directive works very similarly to v-if, but toggles the hidden attribute of the element instead of removing the element from DOM. You can choose which directive to use based on whether you require the element to remain within the DOM or not.

This is a secret, hidden message!


<button v-event:click="showMessage = !showMessage">
Toggle Message
<p v-show="showMessage">
This is a secret, hidden message!
// No javascript required!


{expression}: string

An expression that adds the `disabled` attribute to this element when it evaluates true

The v-disabled directive conditionally adds the disabled attribute to an element. The disabled attribute is added if the expression evaluates to true, and removes it if it evaluates to false.


<button v-event:click="disabled = !disabled">Toggle Disabled</button>
<button v-disabled="disabled">Another Button</button>
// No javascript required


{expression}: string

An expression that is interpreted as a string set as the `href` attribute of this element

The v-href directive controls the href attribute on an element. If the expression returns null, the href attribute is removed, otherwise it is interpreted as a string used as the href attribute.

<div v-component="v-href">
Toggle Link</button>
class VHref extends VivereComponent {
href = null;
label = null;

toggleLink() {
if (this.href == null) {
this.href = 'https://www.google.com';
this.label = "A link to Google..."
} else {
this.href = null;
this.label = "A broken link...";
Vivere.register('VHref', VHref);


{class}: (string, null)

The class we want to conditionally add to or remove from this element

{classes}: (string, null)

Additional classes (separated by a ".") to conditionally add or remove

{expression}: string

An expression that evaluates to true to add the class, or false to remove the class from this element

The v-class directive adds or removes one or more classes to the element. It can operate in two ways, either by passing a class (or classes) to the directive to add or remove based on a boolean expression, or by passing an expression that will evaluate as a list of classes.

Boolean Expression

When we included a class (or classes) in our directive, the expression will be interepreted as a boolean expression. If the expression is evaluated as true, we add the class(es), and if it evaluates as false we remove the class(es). You can use multiple v-class directives to toggle multiple classes with differing logic.

This is a blue message...


<button v-event:click="blue = !blue">Toggle Classes</button>
This is a blue message...</p>
// No javascript required

Class List Expression

For more complicated logic, or personal preference, we can also point the v-class directive to an array of classes we want to turn on. Any classes previously added by this v-class directive will be removed and any new classes passed are added.

This is a blue message...

class="flex items-center space-x-4"

v-event:click="blue = !blue"
Toggle Classes</button>
<p v-class="textClasses">This is a blue message...</p>
export default class VClass {
blue = true;

get textClasses() {
const { blue } = this;

if (blue) return ['text-blue', 'italic'];
return ['text-red'];
Vivere.register('VClass', VClass);


{style}: string

The style property we want to control for this element

{expression}: string

An expression that is an interpreted as the value for our style property

The v-style directive automatically updates a style attribute for the element involved. The name property controls which attribute we update. The expression is evaluated as a string and passed in as a value for the style.

<div v-component="v-style">
<div v-style:width="widthPerc">
class VStyle extends VivereComponent {
// Data
width = 0;
interval = null;

// Computed
get widthPerc() {
const { width } = this;
return `${width}%`;

// Lifecycle Callbacks
connected() {
const binding =

this.interval =
setInterval(binding, 100);

destroyed() {

// Methods
incrementWidth() {
this.width += 1;
if (this.width > 100)
this.width = 0;
Vivere.register('VStyle', VStyle);


{expression}: string

An expression that is interpreted as a string that is used as the text for this element

The v-text directive sets the text property of your element. It's useful for any dynamic text derived from component data that we cannot rely on the server to generate.

I .


<span v-text="toggle ? 'hate' : 'love'" ></span>
<span v-text="text"></span>.

v-event:click="toggle = !toggle"
Toggle Feelings</button>
// No Javascript required...


{expression}: string

An expression that is interpreted as an HTML string that is attached to this element

The v-html directive sets the innerHTML property of your element. It does not do any escpaing or safety checks, so be careful!


{attribute}: string

The attribute we want to control for this elment

{expression}: (string, null)

An expression that is interpreted as a value for our attribute

The v-attr directive sets the value of any generic attribute of an element. If you pass in null, the attribute will be removed; otherwise it will be set to whatever the expression evaluates to.


{expression}: (string, null)

An expression that is interpreted as a src for an img element

The v-src directive sets the src property of an img. If you pass in null it will set the src to a blank string, otherwise it will be set to whatever the expression evaluates to.